we all have much to learn: let us teach one another as kindly as we can. -reade

we all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how. -anonymous

there is no other beginning of learning than wonder. -theaetetus

the biggest problem in the world could have been solved when it was small. -bynner

it isn't enough to ask intelligent questions; you have to listen thoughtfully to the answers. -anon.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Where did February go?

Wow! Time sure flies!

We have been super busy in the music room during February with program prep, instrument building, song games, and preparing for a special guest!

The week after Spring Break we will welcome Mr. Ross Sutter for a week long residency. Mr. Sutter is a Scandinavian Folk Song Superhero and we are excited to work with him. While here, he will work with grades K-4, focusing especially on 4th grade. He will then return for the afternoon and evening of May 2 to perform with the 4th graders at their spring program. You can find more about Mr. Sutter at his website!

Fifth grade will not meet with Mr. Sutter this year, as they spent so much time with him last year :).